Science Fair Info

Click Science Fair Schedule for the schedule, and click Science Fair Rules for the rules. See the post for additional info.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Uniform Circular Motion by Mike Wu
The Monkey and the Hunter

Monday, October 20, 2014

Stephen Hawking is an Atheist? Who Cares?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Final advice...

Something to ponder: This is Water.
Find it at least slightly inspirational?  Then tell someone else to come and watch.   

Monday, March 24, 2014

What good is a newborn baby?

Benjamin Franklin was at an early hot air balloon launch (not the first one - that guy was killed by farmers when he landed).  Anyway...the balloon goes up, and a person next to Franklin asks, "So, what good is this hot air balloon?" Franklin is said to have responded (in french), "What good is a newborn baby?"

So, in case anyone asks, "What good is a spinning egg?", you can check out this video, and know.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Did you hear that?

Scientists think the Big Bang happened about 13.8 billion years ago.  It was a big event. 

"Was it loud?" you might be thinking.  Then you would correct your own thought question with a thought answer, "No - sound waves need something to move through - like air, or water, or glass." (and if you were sitting in the cheap seats when the Big Bang happened, you would not have heard a thing.)  So much for the pondering, "If a universe forms, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

"What about light? was it bright?" you might now be thinking.  Yes, there was a lot of energy  involved; so yes, there must have been some light.

"Did stuff fly around?" you might be wondering.  Yes, a lot of stuff was moving around - and it was moving quickly. 

All of this may have you thinking, "How do we know this REALLY happened?" Well, the math works, and we have stuff like red shift going on; but still, I could understand your doubt (or at least your strong desire to get to the facts)

Good news - more math working out - and more evidence that the Big Bang theory holds water.  Check this out. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A View through Snell's Window

What can you use a convex lens for?  Check this out: "We're Going to Fly Now."

It's physics...

While not related to anything we are studying this week, check out the video below - very cool (or hot, depending on which way the water bead is turning). 
When Water Flows Uphill

Monday, February 17, 2014

What color do you want?

To truly understand how colors "work", you need to get your head around the idea of additive and subtractive color mixing.  Check out some of the videos below:

Additive Color vs Subtractive Color
Additive Color
Subtractive Color

TRULY AMAZING!!!  You will cry out, "The Colors!!! The Colors!!!!"

Friday, February 14, 2014

"Go toward the light..."

With under 30 physics classes left, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel (hopefully you're not heading toward a plane mirror).  Check out the link below for an illusion, and an explanation of the physics behind it.

Want to see a little more detail (and brush up on your spanish)?: How it's done
"Wow!", your thinking, "I wish I had some concave and parabolic mirrors!" to which I say, "Bah! Use your brain and get resourceful - like this guy."
So now your thinking, "I wonder how hot you could get something?"  How about this hot?
So now your thinking, "Cool, but I don't own a mirror that big."  No problem.  Check this out.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

“We are all bags of meat and water…”

It’s tempting to believe that amazing discoveries can only be made by amazingly smart people using very large, expensive equipment. However, often that's not the case.

Watch the video linked below from Adam Savage (of MythBusters fame) as he explains how some things “get discovered”. Adam Savage: How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How colorful...

Let's reflect on why we see color...
OK, don't get too absorbed in your thoughts.
The following videos should shed some light on the topic:

Crafty girl makes white light from a strainer and dremel

British professor makes light sound sophisticated

Which would melt first in the sun, white or black M&M's?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Doppler Effect

We have all experienced the Doppler Effect - a train going past us as we waited on a platform, or an emergency services vehicle driving toward us, sirens blasting.  We have heard that "shift" or change as the sound goes from "approaching us" to "next to us" to "moving away from us".
But...have you ever seen a geeky "science guy" demo the Doppler Effect with his car?  Video.

Want to see a detailed explanation of what's going on?  Click here.

Sonic Boom

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download 
 the highest resolution version available.
Don't just hear the boom...see the boom!

We do not get to hear Sonic Booms much (it's a zoning thing - brings down house values).  But, if you go to an air show, or join the military, you might get to see things like this:  Sonic Boom

Where do we get the word "Mach" (as in "Mach 1")?  It's a nod to Ernst Mach.  Look him up.